Congratulations! You've decided to have a custom stained glass piece commissioned. Let's discuss the process of creating a stained glass design and things to keep in mind that will guide your decision-making process. While I can assist with recommendations, provide pros and cons of alternatives, and inform you as to what is and isn't possible in glass art, all final decisions must be made by the commissioner of the project before the project can be completed.

Design Considerations


     Always consider the space in which you expect to display your new stained glass art. 

  • What are the dimensions of the space? If the stained glass piece needs to fit into the structure, then exact measurements and a template may be needed.

  • Larger size pieces may require specialty arrangements for delivery.


    The majority of the cost of a stained glass piece is calculated based on the number of pieces in the project. Because stained glass is a time and labor intensive art-form, be mindful of the level of detail that is needed to render the desired results. See the below basic pricing information to assist you in this process. 

Image/ Pattern

     There are already thousands of existing stained glass patterns out there to choose from, but if you're looking for something unique I can create a custom pattern for you based on a photograph, diagram or picture. All I need is a a file of the image emailed to me to convert it into a stained glass pattern. 

     Other considerations:

  • Do you want a glass frame around the central design as part of the piece? Or will the piece be framed at a framing store?

  • Do you plan to hang the piece and if so, do we need to add hanging rings to the piece.

  • How much detail would you like in the piece?

  • Would you like a patina on the lead lines?

    Before I start any construction on the piece, you will have the ability to sign off on the size and detail in the pattern. 


     There are thousands of options for glass colors, textures, opacity, and more. Selecting glass is one of the most important and subjective aspects of creating your piece, which is why I highly recommend a trip(s) to a local Atlanta glass store with your full-size pattern in hand to make your choices. While it is possible to email pictures of the glass, no two pieces of glass will look the same and it is very difficult to appreciate the full effect of what the glass will look like in full sunlight, dim light, or in contrast to other colors.  

   Glass can vary widely in cost, although many are between $5 and $15 per square feet. Specialty glass and colors with red (which is made from gold) are more expensive. 


     Stained glass art is a time-intensive endeavor and completion will depend on the complexity of the overall design and the number of other projects in progress. In addition, as a project commissioner, your input is critical to the success of the project and the timeline will depend on your availability to make decisions. Before beginning work on your project, we will discuss your needs and set appropriate expectations so that I can have your project ready for that special occasion!


Pricing for a custom designed piece will depend on a variety of factors, but will be combination of labor and materials. See below for basic costs, although prices are subject to change depending on the unique circumstances of your specific project. 

Design Phase - to be paid upon completion of pattern

  • Initial consultation (Up to 1 hour) - free

  • Pattern creation (optional) - $30/hr

  • Printing costs for 2 black and white copies to scale- TBD

Construction Phase - to be paid before construction begins - 50% of final quote


  • Glass selection consultation - $30/hr

  • Glass materials

  • $5-7 labor per piece of glass as determined by complexity of the final pattern

  • Patina labor (optional) - $0.50 per piece of glass

  • Other materials fee - determined on a project by project basis. This covers the equipment and all other miscellaneous materials needed to complete the project.

    • Solder

    • Copper (foil, reinforcement)

    • Framing (lead, zinc, re-bar, hanging rings

Delivery Phase - Remaining 50% of final quote

  • Product delivery (optional) - $30 within 10 mile radius